Flower in the Rain Earring - Lotus FunFlower in the Rain Earring - Lotus Fun
Flower in the Rain Necklace - Lotus FunFlower in the Rain Necklace - Lotus Fun
Lily of the Valley Ring - Lotus FunLily of the Valley Ring - Lotus Fun

Lily of the Valley Ring

From 86.00 NIS
Flower In the Rain Ring - Lotus FunFlower In the Rain Ring - Lotus Fun
Flower in the Rain Stud - Lotus FunFlower in the Rain Stud - Lotus Fun
Lily of the Valley Earring - Lotus FunLily of the Valley Earring - Lotus Fun
Flower in the Rain Bracelet - Lotus FunFlower in the Rain Bracelet - Lotus Fun
Lily of the Valley Bangle - Lotus FunLily of the Valley Bangle - Lotus Fun
Flower in the Rain II Necklace - Lotus FunFlower in the Rain II Necklace - Lotus Fun
Calla Lily EarringCalla Lily Earring

Calla Lily Earring

186.00 NIS
Calla Lily Ring - Lotus FunCalla Lily Ring - Lotus Fun

Calla Lily Ring

112.00 NIS
Flower in the Rain Jewelry Set - Lotus FunFlower in the Rain Jewelry Set - Lotus Fun
Lily of the Valley II Earring - Lotus FunGold Lily of the Valley II Earring - Lotus Fun
Crystal Lotus Lapis Earring - Lotus FunCrystal Lotus Lapis Earring - Lotus Fun
Flower in the Rain Ring II - Lotus FunFlower in the Rain Ring II - Lotus Fun

Flower in the Rain Ring II

From 153.00 NIS
Flower in the Rain Brooch - Lotus FunFlower in the Rain Brooch - Lotus Fun
Bell Orchid EarringBell Orchid Earring

Bell Orchid Earring

127.00 NIS
Lily of the Valley Brooch - Lotus FunLily of the Valley Brooch
Oriental Crystal Drop EarringOriental Crystal Drop Earring
Magnolia Crystal Vase PendantMagnolia Crystal Vase Pendant